L1 Contracts

On the L1 network, several conventional Ethereum contracts act together to form a Management Contract.

Network Management

This contract is the gatekeeper for the protocol. Therefore, any node wishing to join Obscuro must interact with this contract and prove it is valid.

  • It registers L2 nodes, verifies their TEE attestation, and manages their stakes. (Stakes are required for the Aggregators who publish rollups as an incentive to follow the protocol.)
  • It manages the TEE attestation requirements. This means that the governance of the contract can decide which enclave code is approved to join.
  • It manages the L2 TEEs’ shared secret key to be available in case of L2 node failure. The L1 acts as the ultimate high availability storage. Note: This is expanded in the Cryptography section.
  • It keeps a list of URLs (or IP addresses) for all Aggregators. The use of URLs allows for the underlying IP address to be changed. Verifiers do not stake, and are not a gossip recipient, so their address is not recorded, but they must register in order to attest a correct TEE and to be able to collect rewards.

Rollup Management

This contract interacts with the Aggregators.

  • It determines whether to accept blocks of transactions submitted by an L2 node. The Rollup contract can only accept a rollup from an Aggregator with a stake and valid attestation, and it checks that the signature of the rollup generated in the TEE matches the Obscuro_Public_Key registered by the L2 node.
  • It stores the encrypted L2 transactions in an efficient format.

Bridge Management

This contract is essential for the solution’s security since all value deposited by end-users is locked in this bridge.

  • It acts as a pool where people can deposit assets, like fungible or non-fungible ERC tokens, made available as wrapped tokens to use on the Obscuro network and can be withdrawn on demand back to an L1.
  • In case of conflicting forks in the rollup chain, it must delay withdrawals until one fork expires or enter a procedure to discover which fork is valid. This is covered in more detail in Withdrawals.
  • It may be extended to manage liquidity yields.